
Greetings from Carole Taylor ... your Weekly Update ~ July 1


$200K Consultant Development Pool

July 1-28, 2024

Between July 1-28, 2024, help new Customers convert to Associate and become Consultants by teaching them how to:

  • Share Isagenix with 2 new people   
  • Earn their Rank Advancement Bonus

Every new Customer you personally develop who converts to Associate between July 1, 2024, at 12 a.m. ET and July 28, 2024, at 11:59 p.m. ET, and earns the rank of Consultant, will earn you one share from the pool of the market you reside in.

Available pool amounts per market:

  • NA – US$150K
  • EU – US$20K
  • ANZ – US$20K
  • MX – US$10K

Get the Details

Catch this short explainer video from Kal ~


FAQ, qualification rules, markets etc:



$39 ~ Early Bird Tickets Only $10

early bird ticket pricing ends July 7


The Importance of Relationships

Network Marketing is also called relationship marketing ~ quite simply because it is all about building relationships.

As you build relationships you learn more about the other person ~ their real needs and goals.

Are they concerned about their health...

Are they too exhausted to really take part in life and need more energy. Do they want to shed some weight, build a healthier lifestyle or age gracefully?

Are they looking for a second income...

to help pay bills or to save for a new house, car, a child's education, medical expenses etc.

Perhaps their goal is more freedom...

The Freedom to spend time with their family, the Flexibility to choose when they work and with whom, to build Friendships and have Fun doing it ~ the 4 F's of network Marketing.

The answers to these questions determine whether our products and financial solutions can help.

The key to getting those answers is the relationship you build with Caring, Honesty and Integrity.

Building Your Team AND...

Long-Term Residual Income

Why build relationships rather than just selling products?

Aside from the deep personal satisfaction of helping others, both physically and financially, our goal is to build a long-term successful business.

The true power of Network Marketing is in Duplication ~ multiplying your results by helping others do the same.

Professional Network Marketers are constantly on the lookout for new Team Mates who will help them duplicate, build and expand quickly.

Professional Network Marketers are building a Team to insure future income and stability, rather than just a quick sale today.

Residual income

Residual Income is money that continues to flow to you even after your initial investment of time and resources.

In Network Marketing we create residual income by building a strong Team ~ a network that continues to generate sales and income for you ~ all based on the relationships you have created and nurtured.

Building a Strong Team Based on Relationships:

  • Multiplies Your Results ~ with the Isagenix Compensation Plan you earn from your sales PLUS the sales of your entire Team, when they prosper you do too!
  • Ensures long-term Success ~ As your team grows so does your Residual Income.
  • Builds the warmth and support of lifetime friendships.
  • Creates a pool of talent to draw on ~ business builders, organizers, retailers, product users...
  • Builds personal development and skills, enthusiasm, motivation and FUN!

Remember ~ You can get anything you want if you help enough people get what they want.


To all our friends in Canada and the US, Happy Canada Day and Happy 4th of July. Enjoy the Celebrations!


Diets FAIL! Creating a healthier LIFEstyle that is easy to maintain doesn't fail.

I DON'T diet (did that for years & failed); skip breakfast; do No Carb; do No Fat; eat artificial junk; workout 6X a week; do intestinal cleanses!

I DO eat clean; eat balanced; eat a lot; eat & love my healthy carbs; eat healthy fats & oils; eat 4-5X a day; eat natural foods; eat healthy meal replacements; cellular cleanse; have food experiences; eat Chocolate!

Who wants their confidence back... To feel good without a shirt on... Rock that swimsuit for summer... Feel better?

Simplicity and Sustainability is why the Isagenix System works for so many!


10% OFF for 3 Friends

Extended through September 1, 2024

Customers who upgrade their accounts to Associate receive a personalized 10% OFF coupon code to share with up to 3 NEW Customers who join with Subscription Rewards.

Start sharing with friends and family first—with 10% OFF, they’re sure to get the best pricing.


Be In The Know ~

Join the Project 21 Facebook Group

Did you hear? We have a NEW exclusive Facebook group, Project 21

In this group, you can be granted first access to:

  • Exciting news about an upcoming launch
  • Educational resources
  • Exclusive insider info & more

Trust us, you'll definitely want to be a part of this!

Request to join now:



Celebration Is Selling Out Fast!

Events build Community and Belief and Celebration is the Biggest Event of the Year!

Get your tickets in your back office now!

Make sure your entire Team will get the benefit of these amazing trainers!


Find Community. Build Belief.

Isagenix Events are some of our most effective business-building tools. Not only are events an excellent way to introduce people to Isagenix, but they are easy to duplicate so you and your team can share with even more people.

  • Build Your Business
  • Build Your Knowledge
  • Build Belief

US Associate Run Events:

  • July 8 - Long Island, NY - Wellness & Wealth ~ Raina Galloway
  • July 19-20 - Louisville, KY - Level Up in Louisville ~ Cyndi Walter
  • July 27 - Scotts Valley, CA - The Art of Living ~ Ame Yeager

Canadian Associate Run Events:

  • July 20 - Calgary, AB - Super Saturday ~ Susan Sly, Angela Martini, Tanis Heron, Lisa Wolny

For Complete Details and Ticket Information:




We've saved the feature sections ~ Spotlight Article, Tip of the Week... ~ from each Keeping You In The Loop just for YOU!

Simply visit AllOnOnePage.net and click on the "Weekly Newsletters" button in the upper left-hand corner.

Each week's newsletter adds to our library of short information resources ~ complete with links for more information and references ~ that you can refer to and share with your clients. 

While you're there....

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