
Greetings from Carole Taylor ... your Weekly Update ~ June 17


Dr. Paul Arciero on Major Protein + Fasting Study

This new study published in Nature Communications compares protein pacing and intermittent fasting to the Mediterranean diet, and the results were groundbreaking!

Significant improvements in visceral body fat loss, 25% increase in gut microbiome diversity, a 55% decrease in gut symptoms, just to name a few.

Dr. Paul breaks it all down on

the Global Associates call June 18

Tuesday, June 18 | 7 p.m. ET


ID: 823 7301 9836 Password: Isagenix

Catch Dr Arciero's Preview Now:



Why 6Cs?

Choosing the right Team Mates is one of the most important aspects to growing your Team and your Income. Not only is your time valuable, but it is important to realize that Network Marketing is a business - Your business.

As the Team Leader and Business Owner, you have a responsibility to invest your time in nurturing people who will best contribute to your Team's success.

How we select our new Team Mates, finding and choosing those with the right Attitudes and Aptitudes, is a skill we need to learn and practice.

The 6Cs are some of the characteristics that we have found are the most important to look for in the people we want to work with ~ building our Network Marketing Business.

6C's to Look For

..Credible ~ People want to do business with people they trust and can depend on. If a person is credible, not only will you have confidence in what they do and say, they will also attract other credible people to your Team.

..Capable ~ Not everyone can do Network Marketing. For example if you truly dislike talking to people and actively avoid it, then Network Marketing is probably not the career for you.

The skills required for success can be learned if the person is open and capable of learning.

..Coachable ~ A coachable person is open to learning new skills and behaviours and responds to suggestions positively ~ without resistance or fear of new ideas.

If your prospect is coachable then they have the potential to learn the skills of the professional network marketer.

..Committed ~ The ability to block out distractions and focus entirely on the job at hand is crucial to building quickly. Scattered attention and effort won't get the job done.

Something magical happens once you fully commit to a project.

..Cooperative ~ Network Marketing is a Team sport. People in your Team will have different skills, strengths and weaknesses. The willing cooperation of every Team member is what allows us to combine all those characteristics into a winning Team.

..Courage ~ We often say that Network Marketing is simple but not easy. As in every endeavour there will be setbacks and those who try to discourage us.

It takes courage to remain committed in the face of adversity. It also takes courage to maintain credibility by always doing the right thing.

Our Focus...


People are our

Best Assets !

  • We Build Relationships . . . People Helping People
  • We Build Networks of Networks . . . Teams with Dreams
  • We Create Team Spirit
  • We Create a Supportive Community & Environment to Attract the Best People
  • And Inspire them to Grow . . . Dream and Succeed

Wisdom is knowing the right thing to do.

Courage is doing it.


A short podcast with Carole Taylor explaining the characteristics she looks for to maximize success.


After having his own transformation...

How could Dr. Miller NOT share this natural, simple, convenient, and affordable solution with his patients?

"I love seeing so many medical professionals discover this amazing nutrition!

It’s the real deal and the health benefits outweigh the weight loss, but obviously the lean muscle gains while burning fat is a plus!"


Elevate your Isagenix Business:

The Demo Guide to Recommended Carts

If you're building a business, you need recommended carts!

Recommended carts simplifies the process of sharing products with potential customers, making it effortless to meet customer's goals.

This video guides you through the process of creating and managing recommended carts in your Isagenix back office. Learn how to create recommended carts, manage your recommended carts, generate a share link, and provide the best recipient experience.

Uplift your business now:



Extended to June 30, 2024

New Associates Get a 10% OFF COUPON

To Share With Their First 3 Customers

New Associates who join on Subscription Rewards with a minimum purchase of US$175/CA$195, receive a 10% OFF coupon code to share with 3 new Customers!


Two New Isagenix Health Articles

Joint Support Gummies for Joint Health and Support


Whether you are a professional athlete, weekend warrior, or simply moving around your home, maintaining the health of your joints, cartilage, and bones is essential for achieving your optimal potential ...

Joint Support Gummies: FAQs


Joint Gummies are a novel, plant-based raspberry-flavored supplement containing a patented ingredient from heirloom cucumber varieties (Cucumis sativus), known as Q-actinTM. ...


Find Community. Build Belief.

Isagenix Events are some of our most effective business-building tools. Not only are events an excellent way to introduce people to Isagenix, but they are easy to duplicate so you and your team can share with even more people.

  • Build Your Business
  • Build Your Knowledge
  • Build Belief

US Associate Run Events:

  • June 20 - Orange, CA - Experience Oream Med Spa! ~ Robin Belfrey
  • June 22 - Corpus Christi, TX - Taste of Isagenix ~ Tommy Chapa
  • July 20 - Louisville, KY - Level Up in Louisville ~ Cyndi Walter

Canadian Associate Run Events:

  • June 22 - Halifax, NS - Halifax Spinco Sip & Sample ~ Angela Martini
  • July 20 - Calgary, AB - Super Saturday ~ Susan Sly, Angela Martini, Tanis Heron, Lisa Wolny

For Complete Details and Ticket Information:




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Statements above have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.