Greetings from Carole Taylor ... your Weekly Update ~ June 3
Today, there are many new ways to earn income ~ Why should Network Marketing be your First Choice?
What is Network Marketing ?
A unique Profession in which we build a Team or Network of People:
People helping people, who market a Product or Service that they love by sharing their story with other people.
People who enjoy working on their own time, with no restrictions on where to work, with whom they work or when to work.
People who like to have fun!
Building Residual Income
If you had to stop work tomorrow or lost your job, how long could YOU survive?
Your Goal should be to develop a Residual or Passive Income that is greater than your monthly expenses.
Primary Sources of Residual Income:
Money Working for You ~ Stocks, bonds, dividends, interest from savings, etc.
Business Working for You ~ Rental real estate, royalties and Network Marketing!
The Isagenix Compensation Plan offers an opportunity to the average person to create a Residual Income ~ large or small.
This famous quote of Rockefeller reflects his clear understanding of the power of leverage and the benefits of collaboration and team work.
Building a Team of like-minded people to work alongside:
Multiplies Your Results ~ with the Isagenix Compensation Plan you earn from your sales to your customers PLUS the sales of your entire Team. When they prosper you do too!
Ensures long-term Success ~ As your team grows so does your Residual Income.
Builds the warmth and support of lifetime friendships.
Creates a pool of talent to draw on ~ business builders, organizers, retailers, product users...
Builds personal development and skills, enthusiasm, motivation and FUN!
If your actions inspire others to dream more ~ learn more ~ do more and become more ~ YOU are a LEADER.
~ John Quincy Adams
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