
Greetings from Carole Taylor ... your Weekly Update ~ Dec 26


Whether it’s running a marathon or just Saturday errands, good hydration is for everyone ~ not just athletes.

AMPED Hydrate provides electrolytes for naturally better hydration and includes a superfruit electrolyte blend with coconut water, banana, mango, and pink Himalayan salt.

What Are Electrolytes?

Electrolytes are minerals that are vital for normal body function. Electrolytes control muscle contraction, play a critical role in regulating fluid balance and help the body absorb water more efficiently.

Electrolytes also regulate the body’s blood pH, blood pressure, recovery of damaged tissues, and nerve and muscle function.

Sodium, potassium, calcium, and magnesium are the most important electrolytes for supporting optimal hydration.

Why do I need electrolytes?

Our bodies lose electrolytes throughout the day and especially during exercise. Active people can lose significant amounts of electrolytes, especially sodium and potassium in sweat.

Drinking water helps restore fluids but doesn’t replace electrolytes, which is why it’s important to replenish both water and electrolytes after exercise and throughout your day.

Amped Hydrate ~ Naturally Better Hydration

AMPED Hydrate is a refreshing, natural electrolyte drink that replenishes nutrients lost throughout the day and during exercise.

Better yet, AMPED Hydrate doesn’t have the added sugar and artificial flavors, colors, and sweeteners found in typical sports drinks. It’s made with natural ingredients, provides 15 to 20 calories per serving, and contains 0 grams of sugar.

Natural Ingredients

AMPED Hydrate replenishes electrolytes with a superfruit electrolyte blend and four essential electrolyte minerals: sodium, potassium, calcium, and magnesium.

Superfruit electrolyte blend ~ includes coconut water, mango juice, pink Himalayan salt, banana, and ginger root extract.

Calcium citrate ~ Provides the electrolyte calcium, replenishing the calcium lost in sweat throughout the day and maintaining calcium balance in the body.

Potassium citrate ~ when potassium is depleted, muscles can weaken or contract too intensely, resulting in a decrease in performance.

Magnesium bisglycinate chelate ~ magnesium in a bioavailable form to support muscle function, energy production, and oxygen uptake.

Vitamins C and B complex ~ provide nutrients for optimal performance and recovery for those who exercise.

Hydration and Weight Loss

Studies have shown that ingesting fluids before meals helps prevent excessive eating. For weight loss, it is suggested to drink 16 ounces of non-sugary fluids before meals to increase satiety.

Staying properly hydrated also plays a role in thermoregulation. A body that is properly hydrated burns more calories than a body that is dehydrated.

Why Be Concerned About Hydration in Winter?

Studies have shown that people exercising in cold weather do not get as thirsty as when they exercise in warmer weather ~ yet they still require optimal hydration.

Though the cold may suppress your thirst, it is important to stay hydrated so you can continue performing at your best and avoid dehydration.


Our bodies are approximately 60% water, so the fluids we ingest play an essential role in our energy production, our exercise performance, and even our feelings.

AMPED Hydrate helps sustain performance and supports proper hydration and faster recovery.

Refreshing hydration for everyone in irresistible flavours ~ Lemon Lime, Orange, Blue Raspberry, and Coconut.


Statements above have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.