
Greetings from Carole Taylor ... your Weekly Update ~ March 28


Since its inception, Isagenix has led the field with science-backed products.

Peer-Reviewed Published Research

Our many award-winning, peer-reviewed, published independent research studies set the gold standard in the wellness industry and inspire our customers with the confidence that Isagenix Products produce Real Results.


Weight Loss and Weight Maintenance

Isagenix funded three independent clinical trials comparing the Isagenix Weight Loss and Maintenance System to the standard Heart Healthy Diet.

Published Results

After 8 Weeks ~ compared to the Heart-Healthy Diet: 56% more weight loss; 47% more fat loss; 2X as much visceral (abdominal) fat loss; better improvements in cardiovascular health markers.

After 12 Weeks (both men and women): 20% reduction in fat mass; 9% increase in lean body weight; cardiovascular health markers significantly improved; 33% increase in total toxins (PCBs) released and 25% decrease in oxidative stress.

After 52 weeks the Isagenix group: maintained weight loss; continued to lose body and abdominal fat; increased lean body mass; maintained improved cardiovascular health markers.

The heart-healthy group returned to baseline (original state) or trended toward baseline for all markers despite their lower average calorie intake.


Athletic Performance

Two 12-week studies compared increased protein intake with Isagenix vs. protein intake with supermarket brands in physically fit, active men and women.

Published Results

Women using Isagenix products: 2-times more upper body and core muscular endurance; 5-times more upper body explosive strength and power; 5-times less arterial stiffness.

Men using Isagenix products: 2-times more upper body strength; 14-times more lower body explosive power; 4-times more aerobic (cardio) power; 3-times more lower back and hamstring muscle flexibility.

Using Isagenix products, both men and women athletes experienced significant improvements in almost every health and performance outcome.


Healthy Aging

Published Results: Increases in catalase levels of 15 percent in those subjects who supplemented with Product B IsaGenesis for 12 weeks.

Catalase reduces the oxidative stress in cells that is linked to aging and is considered by many experts to be a primary longevity enzyme.


Exercise Performance

Published Results: Pre-workout supplementation with either AMPED Nitro or AMPED Power increased anaerobic power and vascular blood flow.

AMPED Nitro also increased aerobic endurance.

These study results support your choice of either AMPED Power or AMPED Nitro the next time you want tangible benefits for your workout routine!.


e+ vs. Artificially Caffeinated Drinks

Published Results: e+ significantly improved cognitive reaction time (a quicker response), whereas the caffeine beverage slightly worsened reaction time.

e+ shots provide gradual increases in feelings of energy compared to synthetic caffeine and may have the potential to have longer-lasting effects.


2022 - Collagen Elixirâ„¢ Study

A rigorous 4-week investigation using sophisticated imaging and detection technologies. Study measurements targeted skin structure, function, and appearance.

Published Collagen Elixir Results:

  • 100% of participants had increased facial collagen density
  • 70% of participants experienced a measurable decrease in fine lines and wrinkles
  • Significant increases in skin moisture and elasticity
  • Decreased hyperpigmentation with a reduction in visible and UV spots, compared to participant’s baseline measurements.

Isagenix has clinically demonstrated the skin health benefits of Collagen Elixir in a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial.


Isagenix continues its commitment to investing in objective, independent scientific research and providing dependable scientific validation behind its products.