
Greetings from Carole Taylor ... your Weekly Update ~ March 7


Collagen is the most abundant protein in your body, helping build nearly everything from your bones to your skin.

Collagen plays a vital role in skin health and elasticity, joint and bone health, immune system response, building and re-building muscle mass, and vein and artery flexibility among others.

There are many types of collagen, but most of the body is comprised of four types:

  • Type I — The most predominant collagen in the body and the major structural component in skin, bone, tendons, connective tissues.
  • Type II — Mainly found in cartilage and serves as cushioning for joints.
  • Type III — Especially important in providing elasticity, this collagen is found in the deep layers of the skin, blood vessels, and many other tissues.
  • Type IV — Found throughout the body in structures that create a direct connection between cells and tissues.

Why Supplement?

Your body naturally produces collagen every day, but production gradually declines over time. Aging aside, certain things have been shown to accelerate the depletion of collagen.

Sun exposure damages the network of collagen fibres in the deep layers of the skin, leading to wrinkles and other visible signs of aging.

Exposure to environmental toxins, especially cigarette smoke, and an unhealthy diet also damage collagen and reduce normal collagen formation.

Multiple nutrients are necessary for collagen production, particularly vitamin C, along with several amino acids and minerals.

Collagen Peptides

Hydrolyzed collagen, also referred to as collagen peptides, provides support for collagen production. In foods, collagen is mainly in the form of long fibers, which are difficult for the body to digest.

Collagen peptides are created by enzymes that break long collagen fibers into short pieces that are quickly absorbed and easy for the body to use in building collagen.

Scientific research demonstrates that collagen peptides provide important building blocks that help promote collagen production in the body.

Collagen Elixir

This beauty-boosting beverage is made with 5 grams of hydrolyzed marine collagen blended with antioxidant vitamin C, essential nutrients, and a blend of botanicals.

Marine collagen is mostly Type I collagen and is rich in amino acids proline, glycine, and hydroxyproline that help promote healthy skin, hair and nails as well as supporting joint health, and immune response .

Collagen Bone Broth

Bone broth protein from simmered grass-fed beef bones provides both Type l and Type lll collagen.

Combined with 6.5 grams of highly bioavailable collagen peptides and antioxidant vitamin C, this enhances the benefits and provides support for collagen throughout the body

Amped Repair

Type II collagen peptides are combined with scientifically studied ingredients to support muscle recovery, protect against exercise-induced oxidative stress, and support healthy joint cartilage.

Regularly consuming collagen-supporting nutrients is the best way to promote healthy collagen production.