
Greetings from Carole Taylor ... your Weekly Update ~ November 27


AMPED™ Nitro is a multifunctional preworkout supplement formulated to maximize focus, training adaptations, and recovery.

AMPED Nitro contains a combination of ingredients including creatine monohydrate, Nitrosigine®, beta-alanine, L-citrulline, betaine, taurine, and naturally occurring caffeine from tea leaves.

More Effective Workouts

AMPED Nitro has been custom formulated to give you the perfect balance of focus, stamina, clarity, and endurance.

Nitrosigine®, Arginine & Nitric Oxide

AMPED Nitro provides 1500 mg of Nitrosigine per serving. Nitrosigine is a unique patented form of arginine, a metabolic precursor to nitric oxide.

In testing, Nitrosigine has been shown to be more bioavailable than plain arginine alone, making it a powerful ingredient for boosting nitric oxide levels and blood flow to active muscle. Nitric oxide levels also stayed elevated over several hours.

Most recently, researchers found that a dose of 1500 mg of Nitrosigine significantly improved performance of complex cognitive tests requiring mental flexibility, processing speed, and executive functioning.

Caffeine ~ Focused Performance

One serving of AMPED Nitro provides 100 milligrams of naturally sourced caffeine from tea leaves, similar to the amount of caffeine provided in a 12-ounce mug of brewed coffee.

Caffeine helps promote alertness, wakefulness, and cognitive performance. Caffeine also helps relieve fatigue, promote endurance, and improve motor performance.

Creatine ~ Increased Energy Availability

Creatine ~ this AMPED Nitro ingredient gives your muscles that extra bit of energy to push harder, allowing you to lift more weight or get through more reps.

An increase in muscle creatine stores has been shown to increase sprint or repetitive sprint performance by up to 20 percent.

Creatine supplementation also enables the brain to constantly regenerate ATP, a molecule that supplies energy to our cells, which enhances cognition.

Creatine for Cognitive Enhancement

Creatine stores naturally diminish as we age, making supplementation even more critical. Taking creatine regularly can help increase the stores in the brain.

Apart from boosting brain performance, some research shows creatine may assist the elderly in protecting against cognitive decline.

Not surprisingly, higher levels of creatine in the brains of older people have been associated with better cognitive function and memory.

Luckily, researchers have found the supplemental form of creatine to increase the levels of creatine in the brain of older subjects.

Amino Acids

L-citrulline is a naturally occurring amino acid that increases nitric oxide production, improves anaerobic exercise performance and stimulate muscle protein synthesis.

Beta-alanine is another naturally occurring amino acid that combines with histidine to form carnosine in the body. Carnosine helps create a buffer in muscle to inhibit the buildup of lactic acid, which contributes to early fatigue and exhaustion.

Taurine is an amino acid that has been shown to be an important factor in improving performance and protecting against oxidative stress during exercise. Taurine may have benefits for enhancing exercise capacity because of its cellular protective properties.

Betaine is a molecule that is shuttled in and out of cells and affects cellular hydration. Supplementation with betaine has been shown to increase total repetitions and volume load while supporting increased power and force in resistance exercise.


AMPED™ Nitro helps you and your workouts go: harder, faster, or just a little further.

Max your motivation and optimize your exercise with clean active ingredients that make every workout your best one yet.


Statements above have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.