
Greetings from Carole Taylor ... your Weekly Update ~ April 17


Daily Digestive Support

Your digestive system is home to a complex community of microbes that make up your gut microbiome. Scientific research reveals new, surprising ways that the gut microbiome can affect our wellbeing.

The Gut Microbiome

The gut microbiome is central to our gut health, playing a significant role in nutrient uptake, vitamin synthesis, energy harvest, intestinal barrier function, and immune response.

The gut and its resident microbes are also connected to your immune system, as over 70% of immune cells are in the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, keeping your gut healthy can play a big role in keeping your body healthy.

Increasingly, scientists agree that the more diverse your gut microbes are, the more able your microbiota is to respond and adapt to changes in the environment.

The different types of microbes that make up your microbiome each require different nutrients for growth. Because different foods provide different mixes of nutrients, your diet determines which types of microbes thrive and fail.

A typical Western-style diet that is comprised of processed foods that are high in fat, refined carbohydrates, and sugars not only makes us more likely to absorb caloric energy ~ leading to weight gain ~ but contains little nourishment for gut microbes.

Getting Fiber Right

Regardless of what type of diet you consume, there are foods that should be on everyone’s menu.

Plant-based foods such as fruit, vegetables, legumes, and whole grains provide a rich source of fiber that has important benefits for your intestinal microbiome.

The term “dietary fiber” doesn’t represent a single dietary component, but instead refers to a complex mix of different plant-based compounds, each with unique health-supporting benefits.

Many different components of plants, like inulin from onions, pectin in apples, and beta-glucan found in oats are all different types of fiber, each with unique benefits.

While the recommended daily intake is at least 25 grams of dietary fiber for women and 38 grams for men, only about 5 percent of adults meet this recommendation.

Several Isagenix products provide beneficial levels of high-quality prebiotic fiber ~ the food for the living bacteria in your gut.

Grams of Fiber per Serving

  • Fiber Snacks ~ 6 grams
  • IsaLean Shake ~ 5 to 10 grams depending on type and flavor
  • Snack Bites ~ 4 grams
  • FiberPro ~ 5 grams
  • BEA Biotics ~ 4 grams

Power of Probiotics

Probiotics are living bacteria and other microbes that benefit our health when consumed in sufficient amounts.

When taken consistently, probiotics help to replenish and strengthen our gut microbiome and different probiotic strains contribute specific benefits to overall health.

While several Isagenix products feature probiotics, Triotic, BEA Biotics and FiberPro are all designed specifically to provide a variety of beneficial probiotic bacteria as well as digestive support.

Triotic provides 2.1 billion CFUs per serving from a blend of three clinically studied probiotic strains to support a healthy digestive system, strong immune function, and whole-body wellness.

Fiberpro is formulated with Active6 Complex™ ~ a potent mix of six probiotic strains.

BEA Biotics adds digestive wellness boosters such as aloe vera, apple cider vinegar and ginger to its probiotic formulation.


Research Update: Cleanse Days and Gut Health

with Dr. Eric Gumpricht

Director of Research & Science Dr. Eric Gumpricht discusses the recent publications coming out of a new Isagenix study done in partnership with Skidmore University.

He breaks down the new science coming out about Isagenix products and what it means. Listen in to learn more about the impact Shake Days and Cleanse Days have on the gut microbiome, fat loss, and more! 



The end-goal of the Isagenix System of products is not only calorie control and weight management. A rich and diverse diet that supports microbial diversity is also associated with improved digestive and long-term overall health.


Statements above have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.