
Greetings from Carole Taylor ... your Weekly Update ~ September 12


Why More Protein?

While a balanced diet is essential for a healthy lifestyle, consuming a diet that is rich in protein has been shown to support increased metabolism, greater muscle building, enhanced weight loss, and long-term weight maintenance.

Leading nutrition researchers have outlined how protein improves appetite, manages a healthy body weight, reduces cardiovascular and metabolic risk factors, and increases dietary compliance.



After exercising, your body ramps up muscle recovery/building processes for approximately 24 to 48 hours. This is prime time for maximizing muscle growth and endurance.

To get the most out of your workouts and to support this process, you should be providing your body with the necessary nutritional building blocks. 

First and foremost, this includes a high-quality protein containing all the essential amino acids your muscles need to recuperate and be primed for your next training session.

Current recommendations from the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics for athletes and those engaged in more intense exercise range from 1.2 to 2.0 grams per kilogram of body weight a day depending on workout type and intensity.


Weight Loss and Maintenance

There’s a big difference between “good” and “bad” weight loss. The good kind, the kind we should all strive for, is losing the least amount of muscle in relation to body fat.

Higher-protein diets have shown to successfully increase metabolism, better supporting healthy weight loss and maintenance without loss of muscle-mass.

Higher-protein intake also helps better control appetite and prevent overeating. In fact, several studies have shown that consumption of high-quality protein causes a greater reduction in hunger after a meal and higher levels of fullness.

Researchers found between 1.2 and 1.6 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight spread out evenly over the day was optimal in promoting sustained weight management and cardiometabolic benefits.


Protein Intake for Healthy Aging

Investigators found that older adults who ate multiple meals over the course of the day with protein in the range of 30 and 45 grams had the greatest association with lean muscle mass and strength.

Not only is the amount important, but also how you distribute your intake over the day.

Researchers found that evenly distributing protein throughout the day at breakfast, lunch, and dinner, stimulated muscle building to a greater degree than a “skewed” intake with the majority of protein consumed at dinner.


IsaPro Whey Protein

In response to accumulating evidence supporting the ability of whey protein to increase fat loss and prevent age-related muscle decline, IsaPro was launched.

Unlike IsaLean Shake, which is a meal replacement, IsaPro is a protein supplement with one scoop containing 18 grams of pure undenatured whey protein concentrate and being relatively free of carbohydrates and fat.

IsaPro can be added to anything, allowing users to benefit from the fat-burning and muscle-building powers of quality whey protein. 

The whey protein in IsaPro Whey Protein is the best form for triggering muscle growth because it’s high in branched-chain amino acids such as leucine, and is quickly absorbed into the bloodstream for delivery to muscle.


Plant-Based IsaPro

Getting the right amount of protein, from high-quality sources throughout the day, can be hard to do but is particularly difficult for those consuming a plant-based diet.

The problem with many plant-based products on the market is they are often lacking a complete amino acid profile and don’t provide a substantial amount of protein from high-quality sources.

IsaPro Plant-Based Protein provides 18 grams of high-quality protein sourced from non-GMO brown rice and pea protein isolate to support metabolism, muscle building, and optimal performance.

In addition, we carefully formulated this product with its blend of pea and rice protein to provide an amino acid profile rich in BCAAs ~ comparable to whey protein.


Protein ~ Not Just For Athletes

Higher protein diets remain popular and for good reason ~ people who consume more protein find they have an easier time managing weight and preserving muscle during weight loss.

Researchers have found the health effects of higher-protein diets were greater in overweight individuals with positive effects on HDL cholesterol, waist circumference, and BMI.


Statements above have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.